Model: -41CX, differences from -41C General: Code-Name: Honeynut Firsts: none Introduction: Date: 1983-10-1 Price: $325 Discontinuation: Date: 1990-11 Price: $249 Production-Run: ? Memory: User-RAM-Bytes: 3,241 ROM-Bytes: 24K (10-bit words) Physical: Clock: time of day, stopwatch, alarms Programmable-Operations:: % percent %CH percent change + addition - subtraction 0-9, . enter digit or decimal point 1/X inverse 10^X common exponent ABS absolute value ACOS arc cosine ADATE date to alpha ADV paper advance ALENG length of alpha ALMCAT alarm catalog ALMNOW activate oldest alarm ANUM number in alpha to x AOFF alpha keyboard off AON alpha keyboard off APPCHR append char to record APPREC append record to file ARCL %%% recall alpha ARCLREC append record to alpha AROT rotate alpha ASHF alpha shift ASIN arc sin ASROOM bytes available in file ASTO %%% alpha store ATAN arc tangenet ATIME time to alpha ATIME24 time in 24 hour clock to alpha ATOX left byte of alpha to x AVIEW alpha view BEEP beep CF 00-29 clear flag CHS change sign CLA clear alpha CLALMA clear alarm in alpha CLALMX clear alarm in x CLD clear display CLFL clear file CLK12 12 hour clock mode CLK24 24 hour clock mode CLKEYS clear keys CLKT display time CLKTD display time and date CLOCK display running clock CLRALMS clear alarms CLRG clear registers CLRGX clear registers according to x CLST clear stack CLX clear x CL\GS clear summation registers CORRECT correct the time COS cosine CRFLAS create text file CRFLD create data file D-R convert degrees to radians DATE return the current date DATE+ add the number of days in X to date in Y DDAYS compute the number of days between two dates DEC convert octal to decimal DEG set degrees mode DELCHR delete char from record DELREC delete record from file DMY set D.MY mode DOW figure the day of the week for a date (0=Sunday) DSE %%% decrement and skip if equal ED invoke editor EEX enter exponent EMDIR extended memory directory EMDIRX extended memory directory of Xth file EMROOM room in extended memory END end program ENG 0-9 engineering notation ENTER^ enter E^X natural exponent E^X-1 natural exponent - 1 FACT factorial FC? 00-55 is flag clear FC?C 00-29 is flag clear and clear FIX 0-9 fixed notation FLSIZE return file size FRC fractional part FS? 00-55 is flag set FS?C 00-29 is flag set and clear GETAS get file GETKEY get a key GETKEYX get a key timed GETP get program GETR get registers GETREC get record GETRX get a registers according to X GETSUB get a subroutine GETX get a register GRAD set grads mode GTO label goto HMS convert decimal hours to H.MS HMS+ add two times in H.MS notation HMS- subtract two times in H.MS notation HR convert H.MS to decimal hours INSCHR insert a char into a record INSREC insert a record into a file INT integer part ISG %%% increment and skip if greater LASTX recall last x LBL label label LN natural logarithm LN1+X natural logarithm + 1 LOG common logarithm MDY set M.DY mode MEAN compute average MOD modulus OCT convert decimal to octal OFF turn off P-R convert polar to rectangular PASN programmable key assingment PCLPS programmable clear program PI constant pi POSA find position in alpha POSFL find position in file PROMPT display a prompt PSE pause PSIZE program size PURFL purge file R-D convert radians to degrees R-P convert rectangular to polar R/S run / stop RAD set radians mode RCL %%% recall RCLAF recall clock accuracy RCLALM recall alarm RCLFLAG recall flags RCLPT recall file pointer RCLPTA recall file pointer according to alpha RCLSW recall stopwatch RDN roll down REGMOVE move register block REGSWAP swap register block RESZFL change file size RND round RTN return RUNSW run stopwatch R^ roll up SAVEAS save text file SAVEP save program SAVER save registers SAVERX save registers according to x SAVEX save a register SCI 0-9 scientific notation SDEV standard deviation SEEKPT see a file SEEPTA see a file according to alpha SETAF set clock accuracy factor SETDATE set date SETIME set time SETSW set stopwatch SF 00-29 set flag SIGN sign of number SIN sine SIZE? what is curtain SQRT square root ST+ %%% storage arithmetic ST- %%% storage arithmetic STO %%% store STOFLAG store flags STOP stop STOPSW stop the stopwatch STx %%% storage arithmetic ST\:- %%% storage arithmetic SW invoke the stopwatch SWPT set stopwatch register pointer T+X adjust clock TAN tangent TIME return the current time TONE 0-9 tone VIEW %%% view x multiplication X<0? comparison test X<> %%% swap X and register X<>F swap X and flags X<>Y swap X<NN? comparison test X<Y? comparison test X=0? comparison test X=NN? comparison test X=Y? comparison test X>0? comparison test X>NN? comparison test X>Y? comparison test XEQ label subroutine call XROM ###,### xrom call XTOA x to left byte of alpha XYZALM set specified alarm X\<=0? comparison test X\<=NN? comparison test X\<=Y? comparison test X\=/0? comparison test X\=/NN? comparison test X\=/Y? comparison test X\>=NN? comparison test X^2 square Y^X exponentiation \:- division \GS+ summation plus \GS- summation minus \GSREG 00-99 set summation register \GSREG? what is summation register pointer |- append Non-Programmable-Operations:: CAT 1-6 catalogs: 1) user programs, 2) external functions, 3) built-in functions, 4) EMDIR, 5) ALMCAT, 6) user keyboard Notes:: Same as a -41C but with four memory modules, a Time Module, an Extended Functions / Extended Memory Module, and assorted miscellaneous functions built in. "Halfnut" is the code name for a redesigned version of the -41C internals. Externally and functionally it is identical to the other machines. It was so called because the processor board was only half the size of the original design. price changes: 1986-02-01 $249
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Last modified Saturday, 2012-02-25T17:29:44-06:00.