Hewlett-Packard Calculators Series Summaries -------------------------------------------------- Apple 39G+ 48GII 49G+ -------------------------------------------------- Charlemagne expandable 48SX 48GX not 48S 48G 38G 48G+ 38G+ 49G 40G -------------------------------------------------- Clamshell sci bus high -28S -19B,19BII low -28C -18B -------------------------------------------------- Classic sci sci/prg bus high -45A -67A -80A med -65A low -35A -55A -70A -------------------------------------------------- Classic-Printer sci bus high -46A -81A -------------------------------------------------- Coconut high -41CX med -41CV low -41C,-41opt1 -------------------------------------------------- Pioneer RPN alg bus high -42S -27S -17B,17BII 2 line alnum med -32S -22S,32SII 14B 1 line alnum low -20S,-21S -10B 1 line 7 seg -------------------------------------------------- Roo -75C,-75D -------------------------------------------------- Spice/Spike, Series 30, Series E sci sci/prg bus high -32E -34C -38C,-38E low -31E -33C,-33E -37E -------------------------------------------------- Sting -10A -19C -------------------------------------------------- Student 38G, 38G+, 39G, 39g+, 39gs, 40gs, 40G, 40g+ -------------------------------------------------- Titan -71B -------------------------------------------------- Topcat sci sci/prg bus high -97A,-97S -92A low -91A -95C -------------------------------------------------- Voyager, Series 10 sci bus programmers high -15C -12C -16C med -11C low -10C -------------------------------------------------- Woodstock sci sci/prg bus high -27A -29C -22A low -21A -25A,-25C -------------------------------------------------- Not In a Series -01A -10A 10Bii 12BII 30G 40G -56A -66A -71B -75C -75D -83A -83F -85A -85B -85F -86A -86B -87A -87XM -94D -94E -94F 95LX 95LX1MB 100LX 100LX2MB -------------------------------------------------- Correspondences These machines have the same functions but differ in other ways. regular printer -46A -46A -80A -81A -67A -97A,-97S -29C -19C -25A,-25C -95C regular continuous memory -25A -25C -33E -33C -38E -38C regular serial port -97A -97S regular added RPN -17B 17BII -19B 19BII regular added fractions -32S 32SII regular added expansion slots 48G 48GX 48S 48SX regular added memory, then card -94D -94E -94F
Craig's Articles
Last modified Saturday, 2012-02-25T17:30:12-06:00.